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فارسی عربي

Iran’s Farda festival to screen nine foreign films

The 5th Technology and Industrial Film and Photography Festival (Farda) in Iran is to screen 9 foreign films.

The 5th Technology and Industrial Film and Photography Festival (Farda) in Iran has set to screen nine foreign films.

The films will be screened at the Non-competitive International Section of the festival.

Marcel Barelli’s seven-minute animated documentary ‘Lucens’ from Switzerland, Spanish-Ghanaian ‘At the Other Side of Technology’ co-directed by Jose Prieto and Leonardo Llamas, as well as the short documentary ‘The Earth Is Humming’ by Garrett Bradley from the US are among the selected films.

The lineup also includes ‘Genesis 2.0’ co-directed by Christian Frei and Maxim Arbugaev from Switzerland as well as Radheya Jegatheva’s short animated film ‘Irony’ from Australia.

A short film from the US as well as three documentaries from Ukraine, Germany and Bosnia and Herzegovina will also go on the festival's screen.

The films were selected from some 50 movies that had been submitted to the Farda.

The Farda aims at improving communication between cineastes and the heads of scientific and industrial institutions in Iran, and promoting the production of documentaries on Iran's scientific, technological and industrial achievements.

It also aims to contribute to producing educational films that help to transfer knowledge from experts to students.

Headed by Behzad Rashidi, the 5th edition of the Farda will take place on October 7-9, 2019.

